it's when you start to think that the relationship you're in won't work anymore.
with this in mind, you start looking for an escape by finding someone u can let your feelings out to.
You then realize that s/he is a prospect.
you then forget about your partner. when you've already fallen for another or vise versa,
that's when you realize you haven't gotten out of your initial relationship yet.
Then u make up excuses for him/her to let you go,
usually making him/her feel like s/he's the only one to blame for the wreckage of your relationship.
when everything's too late, you realize that you've hurt the one u used to love, that you've ruined his/her life.
but you dont really feel sorry because you haven't admitted to yourself
yet that you've really cheated on him/her, aside from the fact that you've enjoyed or are still enjoying.
the one you left for another now dies of intolerable pain and anger
while you make your way to another person's heart.
when people around you tell you that what you're doing is wrong,
it's either you say bad things about the one you left behind to justify your actions,
or simply tell them that you have a mind of your own.
you get angry with the world because the world is against you.
you realize that the only way to turn the world around is to go back to the one you abandoned.
anyway, you've already had your share of enjoyment with the company of another.
when you go back, s/he either rejects you or accepts you again.
When s/he rejects you, it's either it's really the end of your story and you go find another,
or you realize the worth of the person you let go of.
you suffer, become miserable and repent.
on the other hand, whens/he accepts you
again, it's either s/he will forgive and forget or not. if s/he forgives and forgets and trusts you again,youre lucky because the probability of your relationship to work out this time is up by one notch.
that is, given that you've already changed. if s/he is unable to forgive and forget,
your relationship will be overruled by paranoia because
s/he will bombard u with millions of questions in ur everyday existence-was the third party nice to u?
was s/he sweet? did it ever come to a point that you love him/her already?
why did you do that? then comes threats like "if you ever do that again,
you'll never have anyone to go back to anymore" if s/he accepts you but can't forgive and
forget, s/he won't be able to trust you. you suffer, become miserable and repent.
chances are, s/he will find another person to let his/her feelings out to.
Then another cycle of cheating begins.
(well, this is not always the case, since based from experience,
the ones who are left for another do not commit the same mistake committed
by the infidels simply because they've known what it is like to be traded for someon else
and they wouldn't want to cause that much pain to another.)
everyone now is bitter and sad and distrustful. Now when does cheating start again?
it's when you choose you start to run from problems rather than face them.
it's when you solve the problems by diverting your attention instead of focusing on them
and trying to work them out.
Life and love is definitely a matter of choice, not chance.
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