Election Day! I'm so excited to vote for my president and vice president of my beloved country (Philippines). I woke up early however I felt something different in my throat. It’s so hard to swallow my own saliva and I feel something – rock or single rice that was stuck in my throat.
I tried to get the attention of my mom and she advised me to stay away from cold drinks and sweet.
Now I’m in the precinct to vote – I saw a huge number of people who’s waiting for their turn to vote. One of my neighbors told me that I need to get number and look for my name in their list. After a while I decided to look for my name in their list and move fast because I also have to go to work. I got number 92 and waited.
It’s almost 12noon, I ask my neighbor if I can go over with them and be the first to vote because I really have to go work after it. At that time, my feeling getting worst as well and even my own saliva can stop producing and I can’t even swallow it because of the pain in my throat. They allowed me but the one of board of committee rejected the number I got. She said it should be match to the number that was allocated to my name in their list. OMG – I that time I do not to start with their damn procedure just for me to vote. I went home - failure in voting with pain in throat and fever.
Yes, fever at time I had a temperature of 38.8 degree Celsius. I prepare myself, eat and took antibiotic for the pain that I’m experiencing with my throat. Therefore I went to work and did not vote. You might be thinking what time is my work, its 2PM and I went to school to vote at around 8AM. I’m there for four hours for nothing. I felt so bad because I’m sick and I really tried and give an effort to vote but I failed. Like the other candidate who loss in their candidacy, I also failed to use my right to vote.
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